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Best Ever Season Draws To An Early Close!

18-March-2020 12:15
in General
by Admin

The 2019/20 season has been amazing for us with our most ever prizemoney won going over the 200K mark and our most winners with 20.  We were hoping for a flying finish to the season but unfortunately we have been halted in our tracks by the Coronavirus.  This has ended the season with no racing until the end of April which is the official end of the season anyway.


We had a great start to the season with the summer jumpers doing us proud.  By the end of the summer we were already up on our winners tally which made going into the Autumn not quite so pressurised.  The horses have been consist all of the way through and we so pleased for their owners who have enjoyed many a trip into the winners enclosure.


We are obviously going to be quiet for a while, some of the soft ground horses will have to go on an early holiday but we will still have a fair few in and will be ready to go as soon as racing resumes.


I hope you all keep safe and we will be in touch with any updates.