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Fidelor Wins At Towcester

15-March-2014 13:40
in General
by Admin

 On Thursday we took Fidelor to Towcester, originally we were not planning to run but the race turned out to a lot weaker than first thought so we decided to take our chance, glad we did!  After leading for the majority of the race Fidelor got headed coming into the home straight and was in 3rd coming to the last when the leader unseated which left us in 2nd.  Lillian rode a superb finish and snatched 1st place a couple of lengths before the finishing line.  A great win for Edging Ahead Racing Club and so nice that there were quite a few of the members there to pick up the prize.


Today we have a double header with Periquest in the last at Uttoxeter and Celebrian an hour later at Wolverhampton. Both should run well although Periquest's race is quite hot.


Runners this week include Shinooki, Vaillant Creek and Come On Harriet on Monday at Southwell and Midnight Chorister at Kempton on Thursday along with other possibilities throughout the week.


Another great Cheltenham Festival has gone, with some very close finishes and super racing.  Unfortunately there were some horrible falls and a number of the jockeys getting injured which just shows the ups and downs of the sport.