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Good Run By Seamoor Secret

12-May-2014 11:23
in General
by Admin

 On Friday we took Seamoor Secret to Nottingham for her 3rd run.  With the amazing amount of rain we had the ground had gone from good to firm to good, good to soft in places, not ideal but we were really keen to get a 3rd run into her before she has a mini break.  As ever she was really well behaved and we were really pleased with her fifth place.  Dane O'Neill said she did not mind the ground at all which is great news as it gives us other options.  She has grown a huge amount since she has been with us and as I said she will be going on a mini break now and come back for handicaps in the summer.


At the moment we are looking for new horses for the racing club and hopefully we have just found one but will update with definite details shortly.


Early start in the morning as we are taking Shinooki for a racecourse gallop to Towcester, usually by this time of year the ground tends to be getting a little quick for galloping at the tracks but with the wet weekend should be ideal.  It looks like there is a heatwave due towards the end of the week so best get galloping on the turf while we can!