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Winner & Three 2nd's In The Last 5 Days

09-February-2015 13:43
in General
by Admin

 It has been another hectic few days but it has been well worth it with the horses running well to produce a Winner and three 2nd's out of our last 7 runners.


Ultimatium Du Roy won very well at Huntingdon given a superb ride by Noel Fehily.  He sat very quietly on him throughout the entire race until he came to the last where he led and went onto win by 4 lengths.  


On the same day we took Running Wolf and Gilzean down to Taunton, unfortunately the ground was riding very 'dead' probably as it had been under covers for a while and neither of them handled it and finished down the field.  Both are fine and will be back out again shortly.


The first of our 2nd's was Take Two at Wolverhampton on Friday night, he is definitely back to his old self and would probably have been first if he had not been badly hampered.  He holds an entry at Lingfield on Saturday, not sure if he will run or not yet until we have had a chance to go through the race.


On Saturday Big Jim put in the performance of his life to be 2nd in a Class 3 Novices hurdle at Warwick.  He jumped off in front and just kept galloping and was only caught by the odds on favourite of Mr Mullins just before 2 out. A great performance and his Owners were as you can imagine chuffed to pieces, as was Big Jim who came jig jogging back to the winners enclosure very pleased with himself.


Just across the Country at Uttoxeter a couple of hours later Crafty Roberto put another 2nd by his name in the Novice Chase, that's two in a row now.  Again the ground would not have been ideal but another sound performance and considering he missed 12 months with an injury you have to be happy.


With last week's results the yard is still showing 50% of our runners for the season have either won or been placed which is great news for the team, Owners and the Trainer!  Our tally of 2nd's is now 13!


While all this was happening last week Alex also made a nice purchase up at Tattersalls, a lovely Colt who will be aimed at the lovely Windsor meetings througout the summer.


This week entries include Seamoor Secret at Southwell tomorrow, Roseneath, Royaume Bleu and Midnight Chorister hold entries at Leicester on Thursday and Market Rasen along with Periquest on Sunday.


Looking out of the window it is very nice to see the sun shining and there is definitely a touch of Spring in the air today, all the horses are turned out for the day which we have not been able to do for the last week due to frost so they are happy.