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Epsom Entries

06-September-2014 18:46
in General
by Admin

 All has settled down after the Open Day. We have a new syndicate with Running Wolf, which looks to be a great group of people ( we still have a few shares left if anybody is interested).  He should be ready to run by the end of the month but will keep you updated.


We took a lot of the string down to the indoor school this week to do some jumping. We start with poles in the floor, build up to a cross pole, straight pole and finally a hurdle.  A bit of a shock to the system for the babies but they soon got the hang of it, top of the class would be Scooter Boy, Periquest and Royal Barge.  The indoor school will be used frequently from now on to get their jumping spot on.


This week Crafty Roberto and Allnecessarforce have entries at Epsom, they are in a flat race but their jockeys will be National Hunt riders which should be interesting. They both won't run and do have options in other places .