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Back To Work

06-August-2015 12:03
in General
by Admin

After a quiet couple of months normal service is resumed here at Trafford Bridge.  The stables are full up and all the staff are back to work after there holidays. The  horses are looking very well for their break with some very big tummies on view.  At the moment all of the horses are behaving themselves and there have been no empty saddles yet!  It is really good to see the stables full up again, even though it is nice to have a few quiet weeks you do miss the horses not being there when you look out of the Kitchen window.


Although the horses have only just come in, the excitment grows with thoughts of the new recruits we have like Barenice, Coco Flower and Kristal Star along with the campaigners from last year, Minellaforleisure, Crafty Roberto, Shinooki etc.  Fingers crossed we should be in for a huge amount of fun this season.  Hopefully as many of you as possible will be able to make the Open Day on 6th September and you will be able to see the string of winners in waiting for yourselves.


On the runners front we have been pretty quiet and will really not start getting busy until the end of September beginning of October.