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First Winner Of The New Season!

06-May-2021 13:11
in General
by Admin

 With this being the first week back jumping of the new season, we have managed to clock up 1 win, 1 second and 3 thirds.  Don't Ask, after having lots of different niggles finally got his nose in front, under Harry Bannister, at Southwell on Tuesday.  He is a lovely horse but has been slightly frustrating, however he redeemed himself by getting to that number one spot for his lovely owners, The Gumbrills Racing Partnership.



Yesterday, Huntsman Son was beaten by a nose at Newton Abbot, another couple of strides and he would have won but a great run by him.  He may be an older horse now but he has not lost his enthusiasm.


Our trio of thirds came from Methag at Warwick on Monday.  Ther weather was awful but she ploughed her way through the mud and has definitely come on from her last race.  Such a tough filly and is always in there fighting.


Say Nothing was having her first run of the season and probably just needed the race.  Still pleasing to get third and she will, like Methag, have improved for the run.


Out debutant was Polly Pockett having her first run for Edging Ahead.  She went off in front looking very professional and held her own until the home straight when she was passed by two.  A really good run from her and will definitely give the club lots to look forward to.