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Galloping At Lambourn

05-October-2016 12:55
in General
by Admin

 At the moment the lorries are very busy taking the string galloping to Lambourn.  Last week we took six down and today we have taken eight horses down.  It is a very good way to see where we are fitness wise and also helps the younger horses used to travelling away from the yard.


From what we have work wise we are nearly spot on (hopefully!).  A number of the horses who went last week have gone again today, like Minella, Crafty Roberto, Kristal  Star, Barenice and Coco Flower, it is interesting to see how they have improved again since last week.  With the horses nearly ready to run we just need rain.  Towcester is on today and we did have a couple lined up for that meeting but with the ground good to firm we just would not risk them.


Yesterday Take Two returned to the track after nearly a 2 year absence.  He made the trip up to Catterick which was quite a lucky track for us last year and amazingly the ground up there was soft!  You could see from his run that he had not raced for two years as he was silly in the stalls and as they opened he leapt into the air losing valuable ground.  We wanted to ride him handy which is where he is happier but witht he bad start he ended up at the back of the field which is where he stayed!  He will come on for the run and next time will hoopefully act his age.