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Up and down day at Southwell

04-February-2014 11:21
in General
by Admin

 Yesterday was a bit of an up and down day.  We took Royaume Bleu and Fidelor up to Southwell on heavy ground which they should both run well on really.  Unfortunately the ground had gone very 'tacky' with the drying wind which makes things very hard work, rather than galloping through the ground you tend to get stuck in it.  Royaume was very keen early on which is not ideal but put up a good performance to be 3rd.  He is very consistent and nearly always gets placed which is great for the Owners as you always tend to be in the winners enclosure.


Fidelor could not go on the tacky ground and after travelling well got tired and ended up being pulled up.  Saying that all of his Owners had  a great day and enjoyed the hospitality of Soutwell racecourse.


Ultimatium Du Roy has an entry at Huntingdon on Thursday but he would not want tacky ground so we want it to rain for him.  There is some forecast for tonight so we will see what happens.