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A 2nd, two 3rd's and a 4th

02-March-2015 13:48
in General
by Admin

 Since our last update we have not had that many runners mainly due to the weather and also the fact that we had a very bus January/February and a lot of the horses are in between races.  Saying that of the horses we have run over the last two weeks everyone has been placed.


After Gilly won at Lingfield the handicapper put him up by 11lb which we knew it would be in that region.  That being the case we had to run under a pentaly of 7lbs at Southwell last Sunday and he ran really well to be 3rd.


Other runners have been Ultimatum Du Roy who ran really well to be 2nd at Huntingdon and Vaillant Creek who also ran on the same card who was 3rd under the Champion jockey. It would nice if AP would have been able to win on one of our horses before he retires but there is still time!  Out only other runner was Crafty Roberto who was 4th at Newbury on Friday.  He stood everychance of winning when he hit 4 out quite hard which stopped him in his tracks and could not get back into the race in time.


Entries this week are Midnight Chorister at Catterick on Wednesday and Take Two at Wolverhampton on Friday.


Today is George's 4th birthday, it is quite unbelieveable where time goes.  At the moment he wants to be a farmer so there were lots of tractors and farmyard animals among his presents this morning.  It will be birthday cake time this evening with even more presents so I should imagine it may be a delayed bedtime tonight.